About Us
Toddlers and Tangles is the premier kid hair stylist directory. As a kid hair stylist directory, we connect you with our list of kid-friendly hair stylist and hair salons that are in our directory. We want you to be able to find the perfect person for your kiddie tresses.
Helping you find the fight person to help with kid hair care solutions and help with those unruly knots is Toddlers and Tangles focus. If you can KNOT find the perfect kid hair stylist… or do KNOT have any ideas about a good hair conditioner…Toddlers and Tangles makes your search easier.
First, browse our directory of kid friendly hair stylists and hair salons. You will find the perfect one who can tame those tough tangles. Next, read our hair care blog. Our blog has a variety of topics that deal with kid hair trials and tribulations. Additionally, you are invited to share your hair experiences, as well as review hair products you have tried. However, please do not forget to rate the kid hair stylists and hair salons you have used. Yet, always feel free to offer suggestions and tips. By doing so it will help others that are sifting through their own kid hare care issues. Toddlers and Tangles is here to support, assist and guide people who are tangled up in kiddie hair madness.