Why Knot?

kiddie hair care, Kid Hair Care, Toddlers and Tangles

As a mother of two daughters, my search for kiddie hair care products and people who know kiddie hair care began after my oldest daughter grew out of those cute headbands for bald babies. I was at a lost for what to do with her hair, and truly desperate for some sound advice and great kiddie hair care tips. I had issues finding hair care products that were kid friendly, natural and not inundated with chemicals. After trying different products, eliminating some keeping others and making up things as I went along…I realized this process was never-ever ending and just beginning.

Then, a few months ago I began my search for a kiddie-friendly hair stylist. I wanted someone who knew how to style children’s hair, was versed in its texture and fragileness, as well as was patient and responsible. During my search, I used some hair stylists who were late, double booked or were a no-call/no-show; and some were on-time, but not great in styling and others were great in styling but just not consistent. Thus, after my daughter went to about 10 different stylists in a span of four months, I knew that I was KNOT the only one having these kinds of tangled issues. I also knew that I could KNOT continue to use my daughter as a guinea pig. I figured there should be one place that listed different kiddie hair stylists and provided reviews of different products. Thus…Toddlers and Tangles was born.

I am not a professional hair stylist nor am I a scientist. I am simply a mother of two, who wants good kiddie hair care products and a great professional stylist. Please know that my goal is to share with you my knowledge, and in turn receive some too…that hopefully will untangle some of this kiddie hair care madness.

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We are KNOT Going Anywhere

Toddlers and Tangles is dedicated to serving as hair resource for all things related to kid hair care and kid hair styling.
