It’s KNOT True…Black Hair Can Get Lice!


LICE!!!! “We do KNOT get lice!” Is what I exclaimed proudly and wrongly, one day when my best friend called me. Earlier, her daughter’s school phoned her and told her that her daughter had lice. We joked and laughed at the thought of them thinking that Black hair can get lice. Words like, “Exactly” “Crazy,” […]

We are KNOT Going Anywhere


Toddlers and Tangles is dedicated to serving as hair resource for all things related to kid hair care and kid hair styling.

Summer Hair Care Tips….the Hair-Dos and the Hair-Knots


Summer hair care tips are important to remember, while your child is having some fun in the sun. While basking in the beauty of the beach, pool and the sun, we can KNOT neglect our little one’s hair. The salt water, sand, sun and chlorine take a huge toll on their skin and hair. During the summer use these summer hair […]

To Bead or KNOT to Bead? Kid Hair Accessories


Ever since my oldest daughter began getting her hair braided, her first choice for kid hair accessories were the tiny beads at the end of her braids. A few months after consistently getting her hair braided twice a month, the director at her school told me that she could KNOT wear beads any longer, as […]

kiddie hair care, Kid Hair Care, Toddlers and Tangles

Why Knot?


As a mother of two daughters, my search for kiddie hair care products and people who know kiddie hair care began after my oldest daughter grew out of those cute headbands for bald babies. I was at a lost for what to do with her hair, and truly desperate for some sound advice and great […]